Christmas Eve services are a really special part of Traverse, celebrating our Savior and being together. This Christmas Eve Patrick will wrap up the Christmas Series, “Do You See What I See” with the fourth message, “LOVE”.  There are three family services on Christmas Eve: 2:00pm, 3:30pm, and 5:00pm. There will be an unstaffed nursery room available for parents wishing to utilize it.

Legacy Offering
Each year we give away 100% of the offering given on Christmas Eve. It’s a step of trusting God for provision and seeking His guidance in helping in the community and beyond. This year we are giving the first $10,000 toward Super Bag Sunday, when we pack 30,000 meals with Lifeline Christian Mission & ship them worldwide to children and families who struggle with hunger and malnutrition. Anything given above will go towards funding the playground at Traverse, benefitting kids each Sunday and during the week at the Trailblazer Academy.